• Articles indexed Clarivate – Web of Science Core Collection

1. Burta, S., Nicolescu, A.C., Vătavu, S., Bozga, E, & Lobonţ, O. R. (2022). Modelling framework of the tandem supply chain efficiency and sustainable financial performance in the automotive industry. Zbornik Radova Ekonomskog Fakulteta U Rijeci-Proceedings of Rijeka Faculty of Economics, 40(1), 201-224. ISSN 1846-7520. DOI: 10.18045/zbefri.2022.1.201. WOS:000822357400009 (indexed Web of Science – Emerging Sources Citation Index, SCOPUS, Elsevier, ERIH Plus, RePEc, DOAJ etc.)

2. Vătavu, S., Dogaru, M., Moldovan, N.C., & Lobonț, O.R. (2022) The impact of entrepreneurship on economic development through government policies and citizens’ attitudes, Economic Research – Ekonomska Istraživanja, 35(1), 1604-1617. ISSN 1848-9664. DOI: 10.1080/1331677X.2021.1985566.  WOS:000707092800001 (indexed Web of Science – Social Sciences Citation Index, Scor Relativ de Influență – Ed. iun. 2022: 0,516)

3. Li, C., Liu, X., Wang, J., Vătavu, S., & Iosif, A.M. (2021) Financial inclusion in China: Has input-output efficiency improved? Economic Computation and Economic Cybernetics Studies and Research, 55(2), 43-60. ISSN 1842-3264. DOI: 10.24818/18423264/ WOS:000661631600003 (indexed Web of Science – Social Sciences Citation Index, Scor Relativ de Influență – Ed. iun. 2022: 0,198)

4. Lobonţ, O. R., Purcariţa, R., Vătavu, S., & Costea, F. (2021). A Bibliometric Mapping of the Research Trends of Public Governance and Entrepreneurship Framework. Postmodern Openings, 12(1Sup1), 35-53. ISSN 2069-9387. DOI:10.18662/po/12.1Sup1/270. WOS:000677889500003 (indexed Web of Science – Emerging Sources Citation Index, EBSCO, ERIH Plus)

  • Articles indexed in international databases

1. Mihancea, E.A., Boțoc, C., & Pirtea, M.P. (2021). Bibliometric analysis on the recent trends in dividend policy research. Ovidius University Annals – Economic Sciences Series, 21(2), 1051-1059. ISSN 2393-3127 (journal indexed ERIH Plus, DOAJ, RePEc etc.)

  • Chapers in books published in international publishing houses

1. Lobonţ, O.-R., Vătavu, S., Jicărean, L., & Moldovan, N.-C. (2022). „A Cross-cultural Study on the Digitalisation of Public Services”. The New Digital Era: Digitalisation and Emerging Risks and Opportunities – Contemporary Studies in Economic and Financial Analysis, Volume 109A, 69-88, Emerald Publishing Limited. ISSN: 1569-3759. DOI: 10.1108/S1569-37592022000109A005

2. Vătavu, S., Lobonţ, O.-R., Sitnikov, C., & Costea, F. (2022). „Digitalisation: A New Era in the Energy Industry for Sustainability”. The New Digital Era: Digitalisation and Emerging Risks and Opportunities – Contemporary Studies in Economic and Financial Analysis, Volume 109A, 213-230, Emerald Publishing Limited. ISSN: 1569-3759. DOI: 10.1108/S1569-37592022000109A013

3. Vătavu, S., Teodorescu, D., Nicolescu, A.C., Costea, F., & Lobonț, O.R. (2022). „Public policy and entrepreneurial activity: Do we have a winning tandem? Channels and conduits”. Managing Risk and Decision Making in Times of Economic Distress, Part B – Contemporary Studies in Economic and Financial Analysis, Volume 108B, 61-74, Emerald Publishing Limited. ISSN: 1569-3759. DOI:10.1108/S1569-37592022000108B033

4. Lobonț, O.R., Vătavu S., Vîrvoreanu, A., Costea, F., & Moldovan, N.C. (2021). „The impact of good governance on entrepreneurship in terms of sustainable development”. Contemporary Issues in Social Science – Contemporary Studies in Economic and Financial Analysis, Volume 106, 307-325, Emerald Publishing Limited. ISSN: 1569-3759. DOI:10.1108/S1569-375920210000106019